5 Steps to :
STOP the overwhelm, exhaustion and indecision.
START having more freedom, headspace and fun in your business AND life.


As a result of doing this work (yep, you've got to do the work my friend!) you will gain:

  • A pathway to a happier and less stressed you.
  • Control back in your life.
  • Freedom and head space to think and breath.
  • The ability to make decisions and prioritise effectively and quickly.
  • A deep knowing of where to put your energy.
  • Breakthroughs to areas of your life currently left dormant!
  • A fresh lease of life and energy to live it.

Typical comments from clients:

"If you are burned out, lacking energy, disillusioned, tired and fearful, or just wanting more out of life than you currently enjoy, then Debbie is your go to coach.

Spoiler: The work isn't easy; you need to face the uncomfortable truth that no-one can rescue you but you. What she will do is guide you with extraordinary empathy and warmth. She'll challenge you too, but it will be worth it!"

[Jo D. CEO and Founder]

"A fantastic way to start to explore my life and what I want to do with my time/whats important to me"

[Catherine.A. ​]

"Debbie opened my mind to possibilities and changes that I had never thought of before"

[Claire. N. ]

***** Bonus *****

When you buy this workshop you will also receive a special gift. A Kick 4ss activating meditation to help you get focused, take action and stay on track.

WARNING: This meditation will activate something very powerful inside you!


You feel like you're on a hamster wheel and it's overwhelming, exhausting and stressful.

You’re constantly 'on the go’ because you have so much to do and so little time to do it.

You have too much to think about, way too much.

There are loads of decisions to be made every-single-day and your head feels like it's going to explode!!  It’s even more annoying because you used to be able to make BIG decisions which affected a lot of people and huge budgets, and you were good at it. But these days you find it harder and harder to make decisions, hell it's hard to decide what to cook for dinner most nights!

You’re exhausted and want to curl up on the sofa under a blanket, with a hot cuppa and watch Netflix, BUT you must keep going to get everything all done. Plus, you can’t cope with the guilt after taking a break so there’s no point even considering it.

You keep going, you carry on, no matter what…. yet it’s never EVER enough. Your to do list (if you even write one anymore or can find it!) never ever gets shorter. 

“When will this sh1te ever end?

you ask yourself. But you don’t want to say that out loud, for the risk of seeming weak and inferior to other people who seem to keep it all together.

That makes you feel alone, as if no-on really understands. 

Deep down, you’re lonely. 

Your partner has no idea what you do daily, let alone say ‘thank you’ (God forbid!). 

The kids are in their own little worlds, which is kind of cute but annoying at the same time!

You get little, if any, support from anyone else which means all of the day-to-day decisions are down to you and the little voice inside your head, which to be brutally honest isn’t always on your side or friendly or even nice!

You are in constant battle with yourself - inside your own head, and that leaks into other relationships for example becoming a shouty Mum and sniping at your husband over little things (which seem like humongous things!) … and then you feel bad about it... but still have no control over it.

Humph – You are overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed.
Get off the hamster wheel

You're on a hamster wheel going around and around and around!

Let’s change that....

Let's make success come to you.

Let’s create freedom (inside and outside your head!)

Let’s get you more time and energy.

Let’s create more positivity and happiness inside of you.

Let’s strengthen those relationships surrounding you.

Let’s do this!

***** Bonus *****

When you buy this workshop you will also receive a special gift. AN 4ss kicking meditation/activation to help you get focused, take action and stay on track.

WARNING: This meditation will activate something very powerful inside you!

The “Get off the Hamster Wheel” Workshop

This is a workshop, created by me, as a response to on-going challenges my clients come to me with. 

As an alternative or a pre-requisite to 121 coaching, this will give you access to some incredible tools at the fraction of the price of 121 sessions.

What’s covered

1- Looking in the mirror of your current life

2- Identifying changes to ‘get off the hamster wheel’ of crappiness

3- Deciding where to put your energy and attention.

How it works:

You will get access to a mixture of videos and written lessons, which you will work through (in order please).

You compete the work at you own pace to fit around your busy life and commitments. (Remember this is about reducing your stress not increasing it!)

All content is yours to keep.

How it really works (in Debz language!):

You wake up.

You do the work.

You see the results!

Who this is for

This is for:

·       People who take responsibility for themselves and their life

·       People who know something needs to change

·       People who are ready to do the work to make the changes

·       People to believe they deserve more and that there is more the life than ‘this’

Who this is NOT for!

This is NOT for:

·       People with a victim mentality (blame everyone else)

·       People who want to be given the answers on a plate

·       People unprepared to be asked the questions and find the answers

Ask Yourself:

Are you ready to wake up and get real about where your energy goes and flows?

Are you ready to get clear about your priorities – the real ones!?

Did you come here to live a life, have fun and feel successful?

If yes..... let’s get you focused on what really matters - YOU!

Why I would have loved this workshop 6 years ago!

I worked hard.

I played hard.

I kept all the plates spinning.

I kept the kids alive and happy.

I ran a business (actually there were 3!) 

I kept the house clean and tidy.

I washed clothes.

I cooked everything from scratch.

I coached clients.

I kept my body strong, fit and healthy.

I kissed my husband when he returned from work.

I kept up with societies expectations of a working mother.

(You get the picture right?!)


I burnt out.

I was doing too much of the wrong things.


(You relate to that don't you?!)

Everything needed to STOP!

I then figured it out!

I learn how to prioritise.

I cleared my head so I could make decisions easily.

I stopped taking on too much of the wrong things at the wrong times.

I had clarity.

I started living again.

I started smiling again.

I felt successful again. 😊

Now I help other women do the same. To cut through the crap and focus on the real priorities.

To gain:


About Debbie Waite...

Debbie Waite (AKA Coach Debz) is a Coach @ Stronger Inside and Out

She works with women who don’t want to settle for average, who know they are meant for ‘more’ and are ready to reclaim their identity and be the CEO of their career/business AND life.

Debbie is full of energy, confidence, and passion, all of which transfers to her clients. She works with women who want to be at the top of their game. Women who want to ooze positivity, confidence, happiness, and success – in business AND life. 

Debbie’s Thought Leadership on ‘Energy Buckets’ is life changing. Her model explains why and how to fill ALL your buckets (areas of your life) to decrease stress and increase energy. Her signature transformational Programme “Kick 4ss” has help many women shift gears, as has her online workshops and 121 coaching.

Debbie has 25 years of experience in HR, leadership, management, and personal development coaching. She has coached people from international corporate board rooms, small creative start-ups, to solopreneurs. She now focuses on relighting the fire in the bellies of women, giving them all the tools, they need to step up, speak up and show up personally and professionally.

As an NLP practitioner, Coach, Psychometric evaluator and Speaker, Debbie doesn’t just tell people what to do – she lives and breathes it, so she SHOWs them.

If you want to be more successful than you ever dreamt of, Debbie will support you every step of the way. She will build you up, have your back and be your biggest cheerleader, BUT she won’t sugar coat anything for you, so to work with her you have to be prepared to go deep, be prepared to do the work, and be prepared to get honest with her – and YOURSELF.

If you are ready for change. 

If you are ready for MORE. 

You are in the right place…

Refund Policy

All Debbie Waite and Stronger Inside and Out workshops are non-refundable due to the extreme value of her content. Trust yourself to buy things you believe in and know deep down in your GUT it is right for you!